Friday, November 18, 2011

Preparing Brown Rice You Can Actually Eat

From the Happy Bear Breakfast together.

You are what you digest. Brown rice is a healthy part of diet. However, you are what you digest and if the rice isn't prepared properly you will have digestive problems and also you'll absorb less minerals, if any at all. This includes all grains. Grains that are not prepared properly put people at risk for degenerative disease. The link between mineral deficiencies and degenerative disease is well established. I love my wife, parents, sister and her family to much for that.

A traditional way to prepare rice is through fermentation. Everywhere in the pre-industrial world were there were agro-people or hunter-gather people, wild or domesticated grains were fermented because they knew from subjective experience that their health was better.

What we know today is that the fermentation breaks down the phytates. It will help break down the phytates in the rice. The phytates are what block mineral and vitamins from being absorb. They are used by rice to keep creatures from eating them and they work very well on those who don't have the knowledge to remove them and the co-factors to prevent their effects.

When prepared properily brown rice is a great addition to your diet.

This is what you do. Take rice cover it completely with water. Then add a splash of Korean rice wine, whey, or sour dough starter.

24 hours later, remove whatever rice you are cooking with. Save the juices from the fermentation for the next batch of rice. Overtime the bacteria will bulld up in the fermented juice and it will remove more of the phytates from the substance.

Then cook the rice with some kind of fat. Add 2 parts water for 1 part rice into a pot or rice cooker. Then add a fat. I take some organic beef broth from bones that I boil and add it to the rice. You can skip this fat is nothing is available.

I hope this provides you with some help to integrate a whole food like brown rice into your diet.

The change from processed food to whole foods is not easy but the difference is fantastic. I couldn't imagine how much energy I would have when I started this journey or the traps I fell into along the way but it's been a great thing to feel healthier and in a better state of mind from it. Please try this method of preparation for yourself and your loved ones.

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